Meta Performance Creative


MuteSix worked with the safety mobile app to help optimize Facebook mobile app install ads to boost purchases.

The Goal

Noonlight wanted to reach the people most likely to use its mobile app for personal security, and encourage them to either download the app’s free trial or purchase and use the app.

The Strategy

The Noonlight team first implemented a Facebook software development kit (SDK) to track and optimize the campaign for the “purchase” standard event. This ensured the ads were delivered to people who were most likely to make a purchase in the app.

The SDK revealed to Noonlight that most of the people purchasing its app were women aged 18–24 with interests including college sororities. To reach more people among this group, the team built a Custom Audience based on existing app subscribers and segmented it by frequency of use. It then targeted a lookalike audience based on these Custom Audience segments.

The mobile app install ad used video that featured darker lifestyle clips and brighter testimonial clips. To deliver an authentic feel, the team did not over-polish the videos.

Finally, the team tracked the campaign using the Facebook pixel on its website, and learned that optimizing for a specific app event significantly reduced its cost per app purchase.

336x Mobile app purchases increase 72% Cost per mobile app purchase decrease 41x Free trial starts increase

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